For the 2025-2026 season, all athletes wishing to tryout for U14-U19 A and AA in the former Southern regions are required to complete the online intent-to-tryout/play form by the deadlines listed
below. Please complete one (1) form for each athlete in your family.
The following form should be completed: 2025-2026 Southern Region Club Player Intent to Tryout Form
Deadline for submission is 11:59pm on March 7, 2025
*Athletes wanting to tryout for A/AA teams will not be allowed to participate in any tryout session without having completed the online form.
*Any changes to intent forms will only be accepted via email from your Home Club President to Savannah Baker (
*Please note that the data collected on these forms will not be made public and will only be available to Ringette Ontario Staff and Central/Southern Association Presidents. This data will only be viewed/used for the purpose of making informed decisions regarding team allocation/hosts and interest levels for each level/division of play with the intention of creating meaningful competition for the athletes in these associations for the 2025-2026 season.
*Please note that no decisions regarding host associations/team allocation will be made/finalized until the deadline to submit intent forms passes
*Please note that an updated/expanded Player Movement Matrix chart will be available through your club by the end of February 2025.